
PowerShare is made possible with the support of these organizations.

PowerShare is made possible through the financial support of the Independent Electricity System Operator Grid Innovation Fund.

Since its inception in 2005, the IESO’s Grid Innovation Fund has supported more than 260 projects, taking innovative ideas from the sector that can enhance reliability, sustainability, and resiliency of the provincial electricity system. A third-party analysis of 27 past innovation projects showed that if those technologies were adopted more widely across the province, they could provide customer savings of half a billion dollars on an annual basis.

The IESO operates Ontario’s power grid 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ensuring Ontarians receive a reliable and cost-effective source of power when and where they need it. It works with sector partners and engages with communities across Ontario to plan and prepare for the province’s electricity needs now and into the future.

PowerShare is supported by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB).

The OEB Innovation Sandbox is providing customized guidance describing how Essex Powerlines can proceed with this project and test an innovative business model. The OEB Innovation Sandbox enables innovators to better understand regulatory requirements. Where necessary, it clears a pathway for projects to proceed on a trial basis where there is potential to provide value to consumers.

The OEB is the independent regulator of Ontario’s electricity and natural gas sectors. It protects the interests of consumers and supports the collective advancement of the people of Ontario. Its goal is to deliver public value through prudent regulation and independent adjudicative decision-making which contributes to Ontario’s economic, social and environmental development.